Saturday, February 4, 2012

Just plain weird...

Myrtle is just plain weird.

My puppy momma keeps the thermostat at 68, though sometimes she dares 70.  However, she is so cold all the time that Myrtle has taken to crouching over the vent in the kitchen floor each time we come in from out of doors. She will lie on the hearth before a fire, oft wishing aloud she could crawl right into the fireplace. And the rest of the time, she is lying in the GREEN chair, covered with four layers of clothes and two blankets and clutching a heating pad set on high.  She also tries to soak up every spare bit of puppy warmth from me when I crawl up on the chair with her.

I asked Myrtle why she doesn't turn the heat up a degree or two or five.  She told me that 72 would be too hot, that she would grow ill, shaking and confused and faint if she got too hot.

How can 70 degrees be too cold and 72 degrees be too not?  Myrtle is just plain weird.  Or bonkers.  Or both.

I think she needs an inch or two of curly white hair all over her body like I do.  Frankly, God did a pretty good job of designing least Bichon Poo puppies...don't you think?  In all my time with Myrtle, I have never been too hot or too cold.  I've been just fine.  I sure wish Myrtle were.

This is my life with Myrtle.  Amos Adams signing off!    


  1. Amos, I cannot imagine Myrtle with an inch or two of curly white hair all over her body. Although, if she did, she would have opportunity for employment in the side shows at any number of carnivals and county fairs!

  2. By the way, when I first read this I thought you had written that your puppy momma was 68!
